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We sell a system capable of creating 2.4 kilowatts of energy ready to plug and reduce your electricity bill that costs only $5,958. You can add to this system as many times as you want and make it much larger.

In the current economy a return on your money of 3% is fantastic. With a return on your solar investment a return of 30% to 50% is available with solar systems and this is the reason they are becoming so popular.

SDS Sonoran Desert Solar is the Best System Available.

You can and or SDS can monitor your system on the internet.

Commercial Systems paid for in 2 years. Residential in 3 in Mexico with summer discount.

Rocky Point Puerto Penasco Sonora Mexico

Every installation and equipment package is different. We will be glad to give you a quick estimation of costs on the telephone. If you send pictures of the area of installation we can understand better what is needed for the mounting hardware. We will be glad to visit you and give you a written estimate. You can send us an email and call us on the phone 24/7.

Call for an appointment and we will go with you to view your place of installation whether it is in the United States or Mexico. You can get the tax beaks in the USA and then install them where ever you like.

Sistemas pequeños crecen con el ahorro

To obtain a rapid quote Call or email Phone Peñasco 631 137 3144 Nogales Mexico Omar 632-234-3718 Cel US 520-450-3237    Phone in the US: 520-225-0670   E-mail: info@sonorandesertsolar.com

Call for an appointment and we will go with you to view your place of installation


No job is two big or two small. Many of our customers start with a small package when they understand there is no penalty for expanding it later. The savings you realize from your reduced electric bill will encourage your further investing in the system. You can even make money by selling power at a reduced rate to your neighbor. That way you both win. Call or email today..

Pueden eliminarse las facturas de energía

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Copyright (c) 2010, Sonoran Desert Solar.com Tucson Arizona Nogales US 520 450 3237 Mexico 631-137-3144 -Omar-631-134-3718